Biotechnologies PhD Course
- Details
Coordinator: Prof. Gianluigi Cardinali
Phone: +39.075.585.6478
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NEW Teaching 2025
Spring School on Biotechnologies 2024
A. Introduction
General aim of the PhD course in Biotechnologies is to provide a thorough background in biotechnological research, for purposes ranging from basic research to technology transfer. The programme comprises three curricula, namely “Medical Biotechnology”, “Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology” and “Biomaterials and Biodevices”.
B. Articulation in curricula
- Medical Biotechnologyis mainly focused on molecular and clinical diagnostics and development of innovative and customized therapies. The topics of the PhD program spans from the development of pharmacological tools to defeat a variety of diseases to the genetic processes that lead to organ regeneration. Active areas of research include molecular cell mechanisms in cancer, pharmacology of biotech drugs, cell biology (including stem cell biology), development of new medical devices. The educational objectives of the program encompass collaborative exchanges with national and international partners and internal classes on biotechnology disciplines.
- Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology focuses on active research areas such as: advanced genetic and microbial biotechnologies, cellular technologies for manipulation of stem cells, gene expression and cloning in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, biotechnological large scale production of useful bio-molecules, bio-based products, and recombinant cells; genetic, genomic, proteomic and cellular function analyses through technological approaches in silico, ex-vivo and in vivo; molecular and cellular technologies for biomedical application and for drug discovery, biotechnological strategies for industrial processes linked to chemistry, green-chemistry, biochemistry, supervision and quality control of biotechnological systems. Analysis and management of the biodiversity, environmental sustainability with special focus on the biotechnological productions.
- Biomaterials and Biodevicesis primarily concerned with the design and development of smart biomaterials that, together with the synthesis of nanostructured sensors, is opening new frontiers to biotechnology. Indeed, biomaterials and bio-devices represent an emerging research area applicable in all fields of biotechnology (red, green and white), playing a significant role in food and nutrition sciences, biomedicine, agriculture, imaging and many other technological fields.
C. Educational Objectives
The objectives integrated with the three-year teaching and research activities for the thesis, on site or abroad, are:
1st year: learning of theoretical and experimental knowledge with lessons and laboratory activities, under tutoring.
2nd year: development of the research project, participation in conferences, participation in teaching and training activities.
3rd year: research and continuous updating, drafting of the experimental thesis.
D. Learning Activities
Students are currently required to achieve a total of 50 credit forming units (CFU).
All students will present a yearly learning plan to the tutor and to the PhD faculty for approval.
Students can attend different types of courses and of experiences as listed below:
- Courses of the doctorate in Biotechnology (see Learning activities)
- Traineeship abroad: Students are requested to spend at least three months in foreigner institutions during the three years.
- Courses within the University of Perugia. Only courses at Master Degree level (Laurea Magistrale) are allowed and exclusively for topics lacking from the topics attended by the student prior to his/her enrolment in the PhD program.
- Linguistic, Information Technology and Soft Skills courses from the University of Perugia and other institutions
- Courses from other PhD programs
- Other external instruction programs out of the University of Perugia
- Seminars, meetings and congresses
Attribution of CFU for different learning activities
- Courses of the doctorate: 1 CFU / day
- Meetings, Congresses and Workshops on topics related to the PhD program: 0.5 CFU/day
- Seminars on topics related to the PhD program: 0.2 CFU
- Supporting teaching activity carried out by the student :1 CFU / 6 hrs
- Tutorship carried out by the student 1 CFU / 25 hrs.
- Traineeship and stages abroad: 5 CFU /month
Learning activities Archive:
Learning activities XXXVII Cycle
Learning activities XXXVI Cycle
Learning activities XXXV Cycle
Learning activities XXXIV Cycle
All materials are available in the Unistudium page of the doctorate.
Lectures in remote mode will be held in the Teams Room of the doctorate.
Round table: Biotecnologie e Società 2020
Round table: Biotecnologie e Società 2019
Winter School on Biotechnology 2018 (5 CFU)
E. Competences
E1. Linguistics
The Doctoral Course offers doctoral students the opportunity to participate to foreign language courses held at the University Language Canter (CLA). The levels of language courses offered at the CLA refer to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The language courses may have a six-month (10 ECTS) or an annual (13 ECTS) duration. At the end of the course the level achieved in the individual language skills will be assessed.
E2. Information technology
The Doctoral Course offers doctoral students the opportunity to participate in computer and labs already offered in other University study courses. Specific courses will also be organized in modules of 1 CFU (for example the use of software for data analysis, word processing programs, archiving and import programs for bibliographic data; in-depth study on databases and their consultation). For these courses, a verification of the level of knowledge acquired will be provided.
E3. Management of research, knowledge of research systems and funding systems.
The Doctoral Course offers the opportunity to participate to 1 CFU courses on research management, knowledge of research systems and funding systems. The courses will deal with: research design and development techniques; drafting and management of financial plans for research projects; project management by stages of work progress and their reporting; management of relations with lenders. The courses include a final check.
E4. Enhancement of research results and intellectual property
The PhD course offers the opportunity to participate to six 1-CFU courses on the enhancement of research and intellectual property. The 6 courses will cover: the transition from basic to applied research; research enhancement techniques; the funding of applied research; the protection of intellectual property; the intervention of universities in favour of patents; business creation and research spin-offs. The courses include a final verification.
F. Job and career opportunities
The aim of the doctorate is to develop skills and deep understanding in the experimental design, analyses and data management in order to achieve autonomy research and project management. This will allow:
1. Allocation in the field of research (universities and other public and private research institutes);
2. Allocation in biotechnological industries, in public and private companies / entities operating in the service sector and specifically: research and development laboratories and production and quality control departments in biotechnological companies and other companies interested in biotechnological innovation such as chemical companies (fine chemicals, bioenergetics, innovative materials), pharmaceuticals, agri-foodstuffs;
3. Allocation within the NHS.
G. Agreements and cooperation with third parties
G1. Foreign universities affiliated
G2. Other associated / affiliated Bodies / Companies
G3. Other bodies / companies with collaborations
- Brunner Tomas Universität - Konstanz, Germany
- Saarland University, Germany
- Libert Claude Universiteit Gent, Belgium
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Jurga Stefan - Nanobiomed Center- Poland
- Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza - Italy
Useful documents and links
Regolamento del Dottorato in Biotecnologie
Regolamento di Ateneo dei corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca
Integrated Physiology and Preclinic (Prof. Bernard Fioretti)
- Details
The group of Integrated Physiology and Preclinic took its first steps in October 2015 with the SIR funded project “Novel nanoparticles-based approach to brain cancer therapy”. The group consists of six units that interact synergistically with the aim of research, teaching, third mission and service to companies. The related laboratories are equipped with instruments that have been purchased starting from 2015, in relation to the funded projects, while some are on loan for free use, made available by companies with which the group collaborates through third mission and service activities. The personnel belonging to the group consists of Associate Professor Bernard Fioretti, three post-doc researchers, five PhD students and a variable number of graduate and undergraduate students from the master’s degree courses in biology and biotechnology, Food Economy and Culture (ECOCAL) and Agricultural Food Science and Technology (STAGAL).
Research areas
The areas of interest are the study of ion channels through the patch-clamp technique and functional imaging on the themes of fertility, anti-tumor therapy study and nanomedicine, and for the development of nutraceutical products.
Unit of Electrophysiology. The electrophysiology unit aims to study the electrical activity of ion channels and how they are influenced by interaction with external agents such as molecules and nanoparticles.
Unit of Functional Imaging. The functional imaging unit aims to study the electrical activity of cells using calcium indicators through microscopy techniques.
Unit of Cellular and Molecular Biology. The cellular and molecular biology unit deals with the culture and preparation of cells to be used for electrophysiology and functional imaging studies. It also deals with proteomics and metabolomics as support activities for the interpretation of results obtained from electrophysiology and functional imaging units.
Unit of Nanocompounds. The nanocompounds unit deals with the synthesis of organic molecules and nanoparticles and their conjugation with organic molecules of biomedical interest.
Unit of Food Analytical Chemistry. The analytical chemistry unit performs analysis of nutraceutics and provides support activities to the group research lines, using chromatography techniques, mass spectrometry and UV-Vis spectrophotometry.
Unit of Molecular Dynamics and modeling. The molecular dynamics and modeling unit deals with the development of models for the analysis and processing of data produced by other units. It also deals with the study of chemical properties related to the systems studied by electrophysiology and functional imaging units through classical, quantum-chemical and molecular dynamics techniques.
Prof. Bernard Fioretti, Associate Professor
Dr. Francesco Ragonese, Post-Doc
Dr. Paola Sabbatini, Post-Doc
Dr. Andrea Biagini, PhD Student
Dr. Elko Gliozheni, PhD Student
Dr. Paola Quellari, PhD Student
Dr. Luana Sallicandro, PhD Student
Funded Projects
2023 - “Valorizzazione del potenziale terapeutico del resveratrolo nella medicina personalizzata mediante combinazione con altri principi attivi in formulazioni innovative – VAPORE”. Funded by Ministero per le Imprese e il Made in Italy (MIMIT). (Local coordinator: Bernard Fioretti)
2023 – “Ruolo della eccitabilità sensoriale ovarica nella fisiopatologia della follicologenesi - The Nova Study” Supported by Ministero per l’Università e la ricerca (MUR) by PRIN 2022 program (202294JF88). (Principal investigator: Bernard Fioretti)
2021-2022 “Studio del rapporto struttura-funzione della proteina E di SARS-CoV-2 per lo sviluppo di agenti terapeutici nel trattamento del Covid-19” Supported by Ministero per l’Università e la ricerca (MUR) by PRIN 2020 program (FISR2020IP_03461). (Principal investigator: Bernard Fioretti)
2021- “Studio dell’impatto delle radiazioni nelle missioni spaziali e del potenziale terapeutico del resveratrolo sulla fisiologia della riproduzione femminile” Supported by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI). Eligible for funding, pending ranking list update. (Principal investigator: Bernard fioretti).
2019 – “Accordo quadro con S&R Farmaceutici S.p.A.” (Third mission activity).
2018-2022 “Exploring novel approaches to NOTCH1 targeting as therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia” Supported by AIRC (External collaborator).
2015-2019 “Novel nanoparticles-based approach to brain cancer therapy” Supported by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) SIR, Scientific Independence of young Researchers, 2014 (RBSI144EUA) Principal Investigator: Bernard Fioretti.
2015-2019 “Origin of Chiral Discrimination” Supported by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Univeristà e della Ricerca (MIUR) SIR, Scientific Independence of young Researchers, 2014 (RBSI14U3VF) Principal Investigator: Federico Palazzetti.
Recent Publications
1. Adamo, F.M.; Silva Barcelos, E.C.; De Falco, F.; Dorillo, E.; Rompietti, C.; Sorcini, D.; Stella, A.; Del Papa, B.; Baldoni, S.; Esposito, A.; Geraci, C.; Arcaleni, R.; Pennetta, C.; Ragonese, F.; Moretti, L.; Mameli, M.; Di Ianni, M.; Rosati, E.; Fioretti, B. and Sportoletti, P.
Therapeutic Targeting Potential of Novel Silver Nanoparticles Coated with Anti-CD20 Antibody against Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Cancers (2023) 15 3618.
DOI: 10.3390/cancers15143618
2. Caglioti, C., Iannitti, R., Ceccarelli, G., Selan, L., Artini, M., Papa, R., Malvasi, A., Gentile, R., Del Bianco, D., Apone, F., Angelini, P., Palazzetti, F. and Fioretti B.
Cranberry/Chondroitin Sulfate Co-precipitate as a New Method for Controlling Urinary Tract Infections, Antibiotics (2023) 12 (6) 1053.
DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics12061053
3. Zucchi, A., Claps, F., Pastore, A.L., Perotti, A., Biagini, A., Sallicandro, L., Gentile, R., Caglioti, C., Palazzetti, F., Fioretti, B.
Focus on the Use of Resveratrol in Bladder Cancer, International Journal of Molecular Sciences(2023) 24 (5), art. no. 4562, . Cited 1 time.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms24054562
4. Bachmann, M., Rossa, A., Varanita, T., Fioretti, B., Biasutto, L., Milenkovic, S., Checchetto, V., Peruzzo, R., Ahmad, S.A., Patel, S.H., Lukowski, R., Edwards, M.J., Ceccarelli, M., Gulbins, E., Zoratti, M., Mattarei, A., Szabo, I.
Pharmacological targeting of the mitochondrial calcium-dependent potassium channel KCa3.1 triggers cell death and reduces tumor growth and metastasis in vivo, Cell Death and Disease (2022) 13 (12), art. no. 1055, .
DOI: 10.1038/s41419-022-05463-8
5. Caglioti, C., Monarca, L., Pennetta, C., Ragonese, F., Palazzetti, F., Fioretti, B.
Exploring the potential energy surface of interacting pairs of Ag dimers
AIP Conference Proceedings(2022) 2611, art. no. 020012, .
DOI: 10.1063/5.0119913
6. Battaglia, R., Caponnetto, A., Caringella, A.M., Cortone, A., Ferrara, C., Smirni, S., Iannitti, R., Purrello, M., D’amato, G., Fioretti, B., Di Pietro, C.
Resveratrol Treatment Induces Mito-miRNome Modification in Follicular Fluid from Aged Women with a Poor Prognosis for In Vitro Fertilization Cycles, Antioxidants
(2022) 11 (5), art. no. 1019, .
DOI: 10.3390/antiox11051019
7. Caglioti, C., Palazzetti, F., Monarca, L., Lobello, R., Ceccarini, M.R., Iannitti, R.G., Russo, R., Ragonese, F., Pennetta, C., De Luca, A., Codini, M., Fioretti, B.
LY294002 Inhibits Intermediate Conductance Calcium-Activated Potassium (KCa3.1) Current in Human Glioblastoma Cells, Frontiers in Physiology (2022) 12, art. no. 790922, .
DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.790922
8. Ceccarini, M.R., Codini, M., Cataldi, S., Fioretti, B., Brecchia, G., Albi, E., Beccari, T.
Licium Barbarum cultivated in Italy: Chemical characterization and nutritional evaluation, Italian Journal Food of Science (2022) 34 (3), pp. 59-65.
DOI: 10.15586/ijfs.v34i3.2242
9. Caglioti, C., De Luca, A., Pennetta, C., Monarca, L., Ragonese, F., Sabbatini, P., Lago, M.N.F., Lombardi, A., Palazzetti, F., Fioretti, B.
A Theoretical Study on trans-Resveratrol - Cu(I) Complex, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (2022) 13382 LNCS, pp. 237-248.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10592-0_18
10. Gerli, S., Della Morte, C., Ceccobelli, M., Mariani, M., Favilli, A., Leonardi, L., Lanti, A., Iannitti, R.G., Fioretti, B.
Biological and clinical effects of a resveratrol-based multivitamin supplement on intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles: a single-center, randomized controlled trial, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine (2022) 35 (25), pp. 7640-7648.
DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2021.1958313
11. Ragonese, F., Monarca, L., De Luca, A., Mancinelli, L., Mariani, M., Corbucci, C., Gerli, S., Iannitti, R.G., Leonardi, L., Fioretti, B.
Resveratrol depolarizes the membrane potential in human granulosa cells and promotes mitochondrial biogenesis, Fertility and Sterility (2021) 115 (4), pp. 1063-1073.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.08.016
12. Illiano, E., Trama, F., Zucchi, A., Iannitti, R.G., Fioretti, B., Costantini, E.
Resveratrol‐based multivitamin supplement increases sperm concentration and motility in idiopathic male infertility: A pilot clinical study, Journal of Clinical Medicine (2020) 9 (12), art. no. 4017, pp. 1-10.
DOI: 10.3390/jcm9124017
13. Iannitti, R.G., Floridi, A., Lazzarini, A., Tantucci, A., Russo, R., Ragonese, F., Monarca, L., Caglioti, C., Spogli, R., Leonardi, L., De Angelis, M., Palazzetti, F., Fioretti, B.
Resveratrol Supported on Magnesium DiHydroxide (Resv@MDH) Represents an Oral Formulation of Resveratrol With Better Gastric Absorption and Bioavailability Respect to Pure Resveratrol, Frontiers in Nutrition (2020) 7, art. no. 570047.
DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2020.570047
14. Menchetti, L., Curone, G., Andoni, E., Barbato, O., Troisi, A., Fioretti, B., Polisca, A., Codini, M., Canali, C., Vigo, D., Brecchia, G.
Impact of goji berries (Lycium barbarum) supplementation on the energy homeostasis of rabbit does: Uni‐ and multivariate approach, Animals (2020) 10 (11), art. no. 2000, pp. 1-19.
DOI: 10.3390/ani10112000
15. Cataldi, S., Arcuri, C., Lazzarini, A., Nakashidze, I., Ragonese, F., Fioretti, B., Ferri, I., Conte, C., Codini, M., Beccari, T., Curcio, F., Albi, E.
Effect of 1α,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 in mutant P53 glioblastoma cells: Involvement of neutral sphingomyelinase1, Cancers(2020) 12 (11), art. no. 3163, pp. 1-15.
DOI: 10.3390/cancers12113163
16. Menchetti, L., Brecchia, G., Branciari, R., Barbato, O., Fioretti, B., Codini, M., Bellezza, E., Trabalza-Marinucci, M., Miraglia, D.
The effect of Goji berries (Lycium barbarum) dietary supplementation on rabbit meat quality, Meat Science (2020) 161, art. no. 108018.
DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.108018
17. Naureen, Z., Perrone, M., Paolacci, S., Maltese, P.E., Dhuli, K., Kurti, D., Dautaj, A., Miotto, R., Casadei, A., Fioretti, B., Beccari, T., Romeo, F., Bertelli, M.
Genetic test for the personalization of sport training, Acta Biomedica (2020) 91, art. no. e2020012, pp. 1-15.
DOI: 10.23750/abm.v91i13-S.10593
18. Dionigi, L., Ragonese, F., Monarca, L., Covino, S., de Luca, A., Iannitti, R.G., Bastioli, F., Moulas, A.N., Allegretti, M., Fioretti, B.
Focus on the use of resveratrol as an adjuvant in glioblastoma therapy, Current Pharmaceutical Design (2020) 26 (18), pp. 2102-2108.
DOI: 10.2174/1381612826666200401085634
19. Manfroni, G., Ragonese, F., Monarca, L., Astolfi, A., Mancinelli, L., Iannitti, R.G., Bastioli, F., Barreca, M.L., Cecchetti, V., Fioretti, B.
New insights on kca3.1 channel modulation, Current Pharmaceutical Design (2020) 26 (18), pp. 2096-2101.
DOI: 10.2174/1381612826666200316152645
Educational activities
- Details
The training objectives that the PhD course in Biological and Natural Sciences aims to develop are:
Year 1
- Acquisition of theoretical and experimental knowledge through lectures and laboratory activities.
Year 2
- Development of the research project,
- Participation in conferences,
- Involvement in educational and training activities.
Year 3
- Involvement in educational and training activities,
- Research and preparation of the experimental thesis.
These objectives will also be complemented with teaching and research activities for the thesis, both at the institution and abroad.
PhD Training Plan (download)
The doctoral student will establish the training plan in agreement with the supervising professor. The training plan (180 credits) consists of:
- a) Carrying out, under the guidance of a supervisor, an individual research program approved by the PhD board and related to a disciplinary field within those provided by the PhD Course. The research activities carried out by the PhD student must be presented at the end of the three years in at least 3 scientific publications submitted to international indexed journals (ISI-SCOPUS journals), of which at least one already accepted for publication. At least in one paper the PhD student has to be the first author or corresponding author. The research program must include a period abroad at a certified University/research institution lasting at least six months (even non-continuous).
- b) Engaging in complementary educational and training activities useful to carry out the research activity, in which the PhD student must earn at least 30 credits. These activities include:
- Attendance (and passing of any final exams) of specific courses (activities A and B, Tables A and B at the end of this file) on topics related to the two curricula of the PhD organized within the framework of the PhD in Biological and Naturalistic Sciences or other equivalent courses organized by other doctoral programs, including those abroad. The number of ECTS credits that can be acquired is indicated next to each course in the table. At the end of the three years the PhD student has to gain at least 12 ECTS belonging to activities A and B.
- Attendance (and passing of final exams) of courses related to soft skills (Table C, Table at the end of this file). The number of ECTS credits that can be acquired is indicated next to each course on the calendar. At the end of the three years the PhD student has to gain at least 6 ECTS belonging to activities C.
- Participation to the Summer School organized by the PhD board or to any other national or international schools related to the themes of the two curricula of the PhD (1 ECTS credits per day) or to national (0.5 ECTS credits per day) or international (1 ECTS credits per day) conferences on topics related to the two curricula of the PhD (activity D). At the end of the three years the PhD student has to gain at least 3 ECTS belonging to activities D.
- Participation to national (0. 5 ECTS per 6 hour) or international (1 ECTS per 6 hour) seminars (activity D) given by members of the PhD board of the PhD topics or by national and international experts on topics related to the two curricula of the PhD course.
- Scientific dissemination activities (scientific oral presentation personally given by the doctoral student) are recommended (no credits for this activity).
- The doctoral student can engage in supplementary teaching activities, didattica integrativa (maximum 30 hours each year) or tutoring activities (terza missione o tutoraggio) (maximum 30 hours each year) (no credits for this activity).
- At the end of the PhD program, the PhD student must have obtained an English language certificate at level C1. Phd students have the opportunity to participate in foreign language courses at the University's Language Center (CLA) and obtain certified assessment in individual language skills.
All training activities organized and/or suggested by the PhD program will be scheduled on the PhD website and communicated to students and PhD board via email. At the following link each student can find useful information about the PhD course in UNIPG
At the beginning of the PhD course (within the first 4 months), each PhD student presents its Individual training plan containing the research activities he intends to pursue and the educational activities he intends to follow. Before the 10 October of each academic year, the PhD student must submit to the coordinator the Annual Report (first/second) report concerning all the training and research activities carried out; the report, shared with the tutor, consists of a file containing the research results achieved within the framework of the PhD project and a brief report on other training and supplementary teaching/tutoring activities carried out during the same period, along with the report related to the credits obtained in the training activities. The reports will be evaluated by the PhD board, which, after consulting with the PhD student and the tutor regarding progress in thesis development, will, in case of a positive evaluation, allocate the respective credits (up to 30-40 ECTS credits for the annual report on research activities and/or thesis writing). The individual Phd course ends with the writing of the thesis. The thesis, written in English, must contribute to advancing knowledge or methodologies in the chosen field of study.
PhD students have a budget for research activities in Italy and abroad, with an amount not less than 10% of the scholarship. This amount is managed directly by the Department to which the doctoral program belongs. The research budget can be used for reimbursement of expenses incurred for missions or conference registrations, seminars, schools, expenses for thesis preparation, expenses for organizing seminars and conferences with external lecturers, purchase of consumables, services, and maintenance of equipment and instruments. In this context, a small amount of euros per doctoral student can be used for organizing the annual Summer School of the PhD in Biological and Natural Sciences (held every year) and other activities aimed at implementing the individual training plan of the PhD students.
Links and useful documents
- Details
Documents for PhD students
- Annual Report
- Annex 1
- Individual training plan
- PhD Training Plan
- Orders form (Modulo ordini)
- Goods and services purchase request form (Modulo richiesta acquisto beni e servizi)
- Foreign stay authorization (Autorizzazione soggiorni estero)
- Foreign missions insurance
- Mission regulations and documentation
Regulatory references - External links
Training activities
- Details
Training activities scheduled in the academic year 2024/2025
Teaching module |
no. CFU hours |
Final test |
teacher |
Period |
Curriculum |
Electrophysiological approach through the patch clamp technique |
1(6) |
BIO/09 |
oral exam |
Antonio Michelucci |
29-30 April 2025 aula 5 Via Elce di Sotto |
I |
Diversity of Mediterranean freshwater fish |
1(6) |
BIO/07 |
oral exam |
Massimo Lorenzoni |
26-27-28 March 15.00-17.00 Via Elce di Sotto |
I |
R for statistical analysis of data |
2(12) |
BIO/05 |
oral exam |
Gianandrea La Porta (ex L. 240, art 23, comma 1) |
07-14-21-28 January 2025 14:30-17:30 aula 4 Via Elce di Sotto |
I |
All curricula |
LIFE Programme: the EU's funding instrument for the environment |
1(6) |
BIO/05 |
oral exam |
Matteo Pallottini (ex L. 240, art 23, comma 1) |
9-16-23 maggio 2025 11:00-13:00 aula 4 Via Elce di Sotto |
I |
Evaluation of metals environmental pollution: techniques and implications for biota and health |
1(6) |
CHIM/12 |
oral exam |
Chiara Petroselli (ex L. 240, art 23, comma 1) |
10-14-18 March 2025 11.00-13.00 Via Elce di Sotto |
I |
Climate change in the Arctic environment: monitoring and future prospects |
1(6) |
CHIM/O 7 |
oral exam |
David Cappelletti |
20-21-22 January 2025 11.00-13.00 |
II |
Molecular Dynamics techniques applied to biological macromolecules |
1(6) |
BIO/09 |
oral exam |
Luigi Catacuzzeno |
24-31 January 2025 aula 5 Via Elce di Sotto |
II |
Ecology of zoonoses: environmental changes and emergence of new viruses |
1(6) |
MED/07 |
oral exam |
Barbara Camilloni |
5-19 March 2025 15.00-17.00 Via Elce di Sotto |
II |
Biological risk in the anthropic environment: analysis methods and impact on human health |
1(6) |
BIO/19 |
oral exam |
Ermanno Federici |
4-6 June 2025 14:00 – 17:00 Via del giochetto |
II |
Synergistic effects of climate change and biological invasions in Mediterranean freshwater ecosystems |
1(6) |
BIO/07 |
oral exam |
Antonella Carosi |
18-21-25 March 2025 9.00-11.00. Via Elce di Sotto |
II |
Microbial biofilms: biological and technological aspects |
1(6) |
MED/07 |
oral exam |
Donatella Pietrella |
26-27 June 2025 14:00 - 17:00 Via del giochetto |
II |
Clustering and phylogeny in genomic investigations |
1(6) |
BIO/18 |
oral exam |
Hovirag Lancioni |
3-10 March 08.00-11.00 Via Elce di Sotto |
Il |
Molecular epidemiology |
1(6) |
MED/42 |
oral exam |
Roberto Fabiani |
17-18 March 14:00-17:00 Via del giochetto |
II |
Microscopy techniques in functional morphology: from basic research to biomimetics |
1(6) |
BIO/05 |
oral exam |
Manuela Rebora |
5-6-7 February 11-13 Via Elce di Sotto |
II |
Insect sensory systems: techniques for electrophysiological and behavioural investigations |
1(6) |
BIO/05 |
oral exam |
Silvana Piersanti |
16-17 January 10.00-13.00 Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali, San Pietro |
II |
Training activities scheduled in the academic year 2023/2024
Second semester
Teaching module | hours | cfu | teacher | SSD | Year | Period | Date | |
Lab safety: chemical and biological risks | 3 | 0.5 | Daniele Del Buono (docente del DSA3 UNIPG, corso mutuato) | AGR/13 | 1° | Second semester | 8-9 April, 14:30-17:30 |
How to write a scientific paper | 3 | 0.5 | Antonio Michelucci (componente del Collegio dei docenti) | BIO/09 | 1° | Second semester | 10-May-24 | |
MS Office | 6 | 1 | Massimo Lorenzoni (componente del Collegio dei docenti) | BIO/07 | 1° | Second semester | 16-18-23 April | |
Statistics Using R with Biological Examples | 12 | 2 | Gianandrea La Porta (tecnico del DCBB UNIPG esperto di analisi statistica) | - | 1° | Second semester | September/October2024 | |
LIFE Programme: the EU’s funding instrument for the environment | 6 | 1 | Matteo Pallottini (assegnista del DCBB UNIPG che fa parte del progetto LIFE IMAGINE ) | - | 1° | Second semester | 3, 10, 17 May 2024 | |
Monitoring and Assessing Arctic Climate Change | 9 | 1.5 | David Cappelletti (docente esperto del DCBB UNIPG) | CHIM/07 | 2° | Second semester | 19-20-21 June | |
Methodologies for the evaluation of the biological risk in the built environment | 6 | 1 | Ermanno Federici (componente del Collegio dei docenti) | BIO/19 | 2° | Second semester | 17-24 May | |
Synergistic effects of climate change and biological invasions in Mediterranean freshwater ecosystems | 6 | 1 | Antonella Carosi (RTDA del DCBB UNIPG) | BIO/07 | 2° | Second semester | 18-21-25 March 9.00 - 11.00. |
Microbial biofilms: biological and technological aspects | 6 | 1 | Donatella Pietrella (componente del Collegio dei docenti) | MED/07 | 2° | Second semester | 28 June, 5 e 8 July 15:00-17:00 |
Phylogenetic reconstruction from uniparentally inherited genomes | 6 | 1 | Hovirag Lancioni (componente del Collegio dei docenti) |
BIO/18 |
2° | Second semester | 8 e 15 April |
First semester
Teaching module | hours | CFU | teacher | SSD | Year | Period | Date | |
Bibliographic databases, principles of bibliometrics and bibliography management | 3 | 0.5 | Gianandrea Salerno (docente del DSA3 UNIPG, corso mutuato) | AGR/11 | 1° | First semester | contact Lecturer | |
Atomic simulations and multiscale modeling in the understanding of the structure-function relationship of biological macromolecules | 6 | 1 | Luigi Catacuzzeno (componente del Collegio dei docenti) | BIO/09 | 2° | First semester | November 27, Dicember 1 and 4, from 16.00 to 18.00 | |
Ecology of zoonoses: environmental changes and emergence of new viruses | 6 | 1 | Barbara Camilloni (componente del Collegio dei docenti) | MED/07 | 2° | First semester | February 8 and 22, 2024 | |
Methodologies for the evaluation of the biological risk in the built environment | 6 | 1 | Ermanno Federici (componente del Collegio dei docenti) | BIO/19 | 2° | First semester | February 15 and 29 2024 |